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2022-06-13 08:53:25 来源:艺术家提供



2022年的春天似乎极为漫长,三月初前往成都郊外罗敏工作室时的艳阳油菜花田,让我“健忘了”北方的“乍暖还寒”。初春的画室,画里画外从嫩黄到艳黄,从粉红到酒红,通过艺术家画面中时常出现的“隐秘的时间线索”谱系下的繁花(繁华),在一次次否定加否定的不确定下,厚涂层的油彩有了半浮雕的“造型”,加重了花苞的份量,压弯的花枝反而看上去有了力度和倔强,生命力的“铿锵” 在艺术家更迭的劳作中慢现。此刻我几乎看见罗敏早期军旅绘画“排队”洗澡女兵的肖像, 亦或是寒鸭朝向田野自由的飞奔?


The Spring Matters

Spring arrives quietly in my slumber,

And the air is filled with the chirping of birds.

The spring of 2022 feels incredibly long. In March, while travelling to Luo Min‘s studio near the outskirts of Chengdu, I passed by a field of blooming rapeseeds. There, for a moment, the sight warmed away my lingering chills from the Northern spring. Back in the artist’s studio, the space is illuminated with soft hues of yellows and pinks and the richness of gold and burgundy. In her painting series “Hidden Time and Clues”, the flourishing bouquets‘ impasto surface--conceived through an accumulative rhythm of choice and accidents-- thickens to an almost impasto relief ’structure‘. The dipping stems remain mighty and resilient, despite the throbbing heaviness of their floral counterparts. This permeating sense of “sonorous” vitality draws my memory to a painting from the artist’s early military series--a line of female soldiers waiting for a shower--, and the impression of flocks taking wing into the distant fields.

During our conversation, I often ask Luo Min the reason behind her flower motif-- is it a material or a theme. She replies, “I can‘t remember; it just comes with the flow”. Likewise, in the preface to his novel The Ages Trilogy, writer Wang Xiaobo wrote: “A person asks a mountain climber why he climbs mountains when everyone knows it is dangerous and has no practical benefit. The mountain climber answers, ’Because the mountain is there.‘”  Accompanied by the accretion of time and the index of her own sentiments, Luo Min’s observation and depiction of this familiar ‘subject matter’ are transformed into a lyrical “floriography” that is uniquely hers. Here, the application of “textual” interpretation common in contemporary art discourse feels lacklustre. Occasionally, birds play “peekaboo” in her painting composition, but for the part, they rarely take the limelight- preferring instead to blend into the scene or hide behind a rosebush… the motley roses are also a colourful spectrum of base tone patchwork that emulate a “self-consistent” expression about the artist‘s personal encounters with life.

How should one define “flow”? To attain what the heart desires, or to have things arrive at one’s fingertips? Like the rose Zeus created to showcase his powers to the fellow Olympians in Greek mythology, Luo Min‘s paintings are adorned with the same irresistible ’charm‘ that refrains one from asking, “How many flowers wither when the night cometh?”
